Congratulations to Jake Cook…. The November 2021 SafeTruck Oversize Load Contest Winner!

The November Contest Winner goes out to Jake Cook! Mr. Cook used our Wide Load Banners, Flags, Flag Magnets and Beacon Lights to transport a 950K Bulldozer. This bulldozer was transported from the John Deere Dealer in Beaver, WV to the customer in Coal Mountain, WV. This trip was a little tough because the road was not wide enough to transport the bulldozer, so it needed to unloaded and reloaded to get it to the designated location. The load has dimensions of 15’2″ W x 11’3” H and weighed in at roughly 73,000 lbs. Mr. Cook likes to purchase his SafeTruck products from Fleetpride.

Congratulations to Jake Cook! Thank you for sharing your successful heavy haul trip utilizing SafeTruck Wide Load Banners, Flags, Flag Magnets and Beacon Lights!